Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ever wonder "Why?"

Ever wonder why ‘hard” things happen? Why the difficulties and heart wrenching times seem to multiply and are never ending? Just one thing after another or there is that one problem that keeps getting bigger and bigger?

I asked the Lord about this and was blown away by His answer. “Would you be on your knees to Me if these things were not in your life? Trust Me, I know what I am doing. In this world you will have trouble but I have overcome the world!”

The more I scratch the surface of this spiritual journey the more I can't get my head around my God. He gets bigger all the time and truly His ways are not my ways, His thoughts are not my thoughts. 

I shudder to think of all the problems in our collective families, compounded by the world and its issues.

We have an infinitely HUGE God . . . it truly boils down to our relationship with Him, our persistence (not perfection) in walking with Him, sacrificing our will and acknowledging that He is in charge of it all. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and allowing Him to work His perfect plan and rejoice with Him in His will accomplished! 

He gently brings our thinking in line with His when we spend time and sit quietly in His Presence! 

Right back to, “Be still and know I am God”! 

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