Next week I leave for 9 days for additional training. A very special training - a specific purpose.
Over the years I was blessed to "work" in my passion - Labor and Delivery, Nursery and NICU.
What joy to see precious babies enter the world, breath their first breath and experience the love
of family!
Recently, the Lord has directed my steps to the beginning of this process. Working as a nurse in a center where we welcome women through our doors with the love of Christ. Sharing with them the truth in the choices facing them in lifestyle and unplanned pregnancies. The Center's mission is to glorify Christ, show His love and grace and share His hope - no matter the choice of our clients.
Abortion is a polarizing topic to some . . .and I could write . . . oh, I could write so many things at this point. Let me just say this. Taking life is wrong, choosing life is God's will. If HE is who He says He is, no matter the circumstances His way is the right way. He will provide, He will make a way. He will love those that choose life as well as those that go against His will with the love that sent our Lord to the cross. We stand before Him without Christ - all the same - sin is sin. But God so loved us . . .
When precious, tiny, little ones are taken from their mothers they immediately are enfolded into the loving hands of the Father. I weep for those that perform and are part of this process. May they see Christ before eternity! I weep for the mothers who will deal with this loss the rest of their lives. I weep for the fathers . . .all hurting hearts. I weep for the power of Satan over God's creation that hardens and blinds hearts.
This new training? Certification in limited ultrasound to show these precious women their little ones, hearing the baby's heartbeat, seeing the baby move . . .allowing the Holy Spirit to touch and heal, work to change minds and see love and hope.
Not all will listen, not all will choose life - God is still God and His love is still available. There is no condemnation, only His constant and consistent reaching out to forgive, pour out grace and mercy and gather all who will listen into His Kingdom . . . can you see the reunion?
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