Friday, August 17, 2012

What!? God can use my flaws????

Again, back to that perfection thing!

Think about it. If God, as stated in Psalm 139, formed us, then we are as David claims "fearfully and wonderfully made". Each strand of DNA was carefully knit together in a specific pattern to be you and me.

As a labor and delivery nurse I have seen my share of births. Each a miracle, an incredibly thrilling experience - to see little people being brought into this world. Already formed and functioning. Most according to man's "norm" but all according to God's plan.

Got bad eyesight, bad back, poor lungs? Still all according to God's plan.  Compassionate and patient or just give me the bottom line type? All according to God's plan. Look at David - the musician, the warrior and Solomon - the writer, the teacher. Different but again, God's plan.

We don't have to be the same. Differences are welcome in our body! How would we get around if we were one big heart? How could communication happen if we were only a liver? Paul uses the body as an example of how the church functions in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. (Good humor in that chapter!)

A video was sent to me this week of  Nick Vujicic an Aussie born with no arms and no legs. In his 20's now and amazing! He has not let this "disability" stop him. In fact, there is not much he can't accomplish. He is not bitter, he is not into pity parties. Instead, with encouragement and support from his family and friends he realized God gave him mega flaws for a reason.

"Turning my struggles into something that would glorify God and bless others,
 I realized my purpose! The Lord was going to use me to encourage and inspire
others to live to their fullest potential and not let anything get in the way of accomplishing
their hopes and dreams." 

Bottom line?  We are unique, special, one of a kind - stamped with "made by God". He uses us, warts and all, to accomplish His purpose. He loves our flaws. Those flaws can glorify God because they point our heart to Him!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Why does the Lord put up with me?

I'm walking the dog. I hear thunder, turn around and book it for home - after all, lightening precedes a storm!

Picture this! Storm clouds coming, kids swimming in the complex pool, lots of rumblings from above and the two women looking after these kids - one of the phone and one texting or playing a game - la . . . lala.

Well, I yell  (non too graciously, I might add) over the wrought iron fence

 "There's a storm coming,
lightening can strike before the storm gets here.
It's time to get out of the pool . . .

"Stupid women!" I mutter to myself as they glare at me.

I am sure the Lord was laughing as I ran in the door to look out the front window to see if they were getting out of the pool!

My intentions were good - my delivery of the message, not so much!

So now the guilt, the "shoulda, woulda, coulda", the "that was not very Christian like" stuff.

Again, back to the perfection thing - the grace thing - the mercy thing.

"Walking" (persistence not perfection)  in Jesus steps is not easy. He doesn't  promise us ease.
He promises us we will never be alone on this journey!

So, yes, we cry, we blow it - yell at the kids, the dog, the neighbors - we doubt,
we fear and worry, get mad and get sad, feel guilty.


We look up.
We see the Father's tender smile.
We see His compassion and love.
We feel His arms around us.
We hear His sweet voice,

 "I'm right here.
 I love you and will comfort you as a mother comforts her child
you are Mine. 
 You are precious to Me!"

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's All in Your Head!

I don't feel like it!                                           I can do this, it's the right thing.
 Watching this one time won't hurt!               Turn away, turn the channel, turn off the TV.
I am so stupid!                                                I am loved by God, special to Him 
Things will never change!                              Look at my blessings, be thankful
I just can't shake this feeling                          The Lord is my shepherd, my refuge  
DO IT                                                             STOP

Words, thoughts darting around in our heads. These words that rule our feelings, our actions, our desires? Why is it important to know the source?  Because:

Who are you going to believe?


Who hates God's creation, wants us to suffer now by thinking his thoughts.
Who wants us to be damned forever in Hell without God and His love.
 Who dances when we fall and brings our failure before God accusing us, laughing at God.



Who loves us extremely, unfailingly, unconditionally.
Who gave His Son for us on the cross.
Who runs to us when we fall and lovingly picks us up (and looks at Satan, raises that one eyebrow
and points to His Son)

God's provision for the mind war:

2 Corinthians 10:5  
bring every thought captive in obedience to Jesus

Philippians 4: 4-8
Rejoice always in the Lord
Let your gentleness be known to all
The Lord is coming soon

Be anxious for not one thing
But bring everything to God by prayer and petition
with thanksgiving

And the peace of God
that passes all understanding
will guard you hearts and minds in Christ Jesus

Finally, whatever is:

True - consistent with fact or reality, not false
Noble - relating to high moral principles: based on high ideals or revealing excellent moral character
Just - Honorable and fair in one's dealings and actions
Pure -  free from moral fault or guilt
Lovely - beautiful and pleasing
Good Report - honorable
Virtuous - moral excellence
Honorable - Deserving or winning honor and respect

The neat thing we don't have to do this ourselves!

V 13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
V 19 - and my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus

Don't resist Satan's darts, replace them with God's loving words!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Belly of the Whale

We cry out:

"It's dark. It's cold.  Am I drowning?  There is no day or night.
There is no change. No, I think it's  worse!
I'm being tossed and thrown about and I feel sick!

 Are you there God? Do you see what's going on?  I need YOU! "

He answers:

"I KNOW you, I am intimately acquainted with all you ways"

"I SEE where you are"

"I HEAR your words before you utter them"

"I THINK of you unendingly"

"I SURROUND you and hold you"

"Listen to Me, I held you since you were conceived, and carry you
now and will continue to old age"

"I AM sustaining you"

"I MADE you"

"I WILL sustain you and rescue you"

"I CALL you precious"

"I CALL you honored"

"Do not be afraid, for I AM with you"

"Come to Me, lay your burdens down at My feet and I WILL give you rest"

" I LOVE you unconditionally"

Hang on to His hand, trust His heart!

Psalm 139     Isaiah 46: 3-4    Isaiah 43: 4    Matt11:28     John 3:16