Saturday, October 26, 2013

Just got a Reminder!

October 25!

Days and events have blurred. The business of life – the responsibilities, concerns, newness of work, adjusting to a schedule that is so different! Wow, where had the time gone?

I sit this morning in quietness. You see, the Lord reminded me of something He whispered not that long ago.

“Be still and know that I am God”

A busy weekend ahead, this next month filled with scheduled surprises and commitments already and I wonder how it will all take place and I am tired thinking just anticipating the whirlwind and I am shaking my head, wondering how . . . and He taps me on my shoulder gently and points to our special place. 

“Sit awhile with Me”

He quietly says.

“Just sit and be with Me.

Let Me fill you with the sweetness of my fragrance.

Rest by the still waters and quiet pastures. 

Refresh your soul with My Spirit. 

Transform you mind with My Words. 

Heal your heart with My love. 

Unburden your mind as you give me your thoughts, your worries, your plans.”

I do this and my eyes are opened to seeing His hand in the details of the moment and I am amazed!
