from all around the world. You just wanted to stand up and cheer will you had no voice left!
The program kept us on the edge of our seats, from 5 - 7 year olds on motorized mini bikes to the older teenegers flying around the stadium doing single, double and quad crosses in front of us, gymnastic displays by the soldiers, graceful , highland dancing to funny skits. A moving reenactment of soldiers protecting and Afghan family in the desert. The sky cleared during the performance not a drop or rain fell as it had several times that day. We also took a Celtic walk thru parts of Edinburgh to learn the Christian history, the bravery of the Conenantors in their stand for Christ during 1661-1668. Did you know if you were caught reading the Bible you could be shot right then and there????? If you were caught in a gathering you were taken to the castle and thumb screws were applied till you either recanted or your thumbs split!!!! 1400 were taken to Greyfrair's church graveyard and treated as animals till all but 48 survived. The leaders had their hands chopped off along with their head and placed on pikes for all to see . . . one head was on display as a warning for 27 years. How would we act in those circumstances??? Would we stand for Christ through the fire and the water. Our brothers and sisters were tortured and drowned for their faith, the time is coming and is here in other countries where Christians die for their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ . . .May we stand tall together and fear no man in our declaration of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!