I walk - amazed!.
My senses overwhelmed with sights, sounds, smells.
Stunning beauty - the atmosphere shimmers with colors I can't describe.
My ears hear songs of wondrous harmony and breathtaking
music softly playing on finely tuned instruments.
The air is sweet,
delicately perfumed with a fragrance so intoxicating
I inhale deeply - close my eyes and savor it.
In front of me I see a beautifully sculpted double door.
Its gleaming panels -burnished and polished-
reflecting a glorious light emanating from the other side.
It opens as I approach.
I step across the threshold.
I can't see!
A light so bright, so intense yet soothing - comforting,
envelopes me.
It is part of me,
filling each cell with a golden glow
till I am totally and completely saturated with its splendor.
My eyes adjust slowly.
I become aware again of voices singing, louder now.
The words, understandable and incredible!
"Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb
to receive honor and glory.
Who is filled with wisdom and power!"
I fall to my knees unable to stand.
Tears of joy and sadness flow freely.
My hearts fills with intense longing - yet terrified to be so close to the King.
I bow my head, cover my face with my hands and weep.