Friday, September 7, 2012

A Dream? Part One

I walk - amazed!.
My senses overwhelmed with sights, sounds, smells.
Stunning beauty - the atmosphere shimmers with colors I can't describe.
My ears hear songs of wondrous harmony and breathtaking
music softly playing on finely tuned instruments.
The air is sweet,
delicately perfumed with a fragrance so intoxicating
I inhale deeply - close my eyes and savor it.
In front of me I see a beautifully sculpted double door.
Its gleaming panels -burnished and polished-
reflecting a glorious light emanating from the other side.
It opens as I approach.
I step across the threshold.
I can't see!
A light so bright, so intense yet soothing - comforting,
envelopes me.
It is part of me,
filling each cell with a golden glow
till I am totally and completely saturated with its splendor.
My eyes adjust slowly.
I become aware again of  voices singing, louder now.
The words, understandable and incredible!
"Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb
to receive honor and glory.
Who is filled with wisdom and power!"
I fall to my knees unable to stand.
Tears of joy and sadness flow freely.
My hearts fills with intense longing - yet terrified to be so close to the King.
I bow my head, cover my face with my hands and weep.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shake the "comfort Zone" of Your Heart

I hate glibly spoken catch phrases.

They're just fluff floating past. No comfort, nothing to hang on to when you are in that dark place.
No help when fear and uncertainty shake the "comfort Zone" of your heart when you hear words like:
Job loss
Pay cuts
Car accident
Emergency room
This is "rubber meets the road"time with our faith.
 I read recently that;
Trust - stops obsession and worry
Thankfulness - stops complaining and criticism
Trust in whom? Giving thanks to whom?
Do we believe what we easily share with others experiencing dark times?
Are our words meaningful and based on a relationship that is solid and firm?
Do we still our mind and heart, actively clearing the clutter, to know our God?
This past weekend, hit with some "disquieting words" I asked myself these very questions.
AND again the verses came flooding in:
Psalm 138 - He will answer when I call, The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me
Psalm 139 - He knows me better than I know myself, He surrounds me and places His hand on me,
                    His thoughts about me are too numerous to count.
Psalm 130 - I wait for the Lord and strengthen my hope with His Word
Psalm 126 - The Lord has done great things for me and I am filled with Joy
Psalm 121 - The Lord, my protection
Psalm 117 - The Lord loves me with a great love, unfailing love, enduring love
Zephaniah 3: 17 - The Lord is with me, He is mighty to save, He delights in me, He will  quiet me  
                     with His love and sings over me, rejoicing in me
When we are shaken, run to Him. Read His promises. Dwell on His greatness and love toward us.
Determine to be thankful in all things and trust His heart!
It's not fun, growing up is hard. Let's be real and encourage each other.  
Let's be still and know He is God!