Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Packing! Yipee

Four days and counting!!!!! Think I have everything ready to go . . .had to buy a new point and shoot. You should have seen us scurry around yesterday looking for the "lost" one. A sleek red Nikon S8000 is now the special camera to take the trip and bring back all the memories.
A neat thing happened several days ago, a gentleman in England has been gathering information about the 196 Field Ambulance corp, the unit Daddy was assigned to in WWII. He sent a picture of the whole unit and we can pick out Daddy. So young and handsome . . .
Love this pic . . .My sweet husband and little Finnlay . . .enjoying the pool at our townhome complex. Wish I pack them in my suitcase! In fact, I would love to put all of you in my suitcase and we could all enjoy the adventure together. But since I can't . . .Scotland here I come!!!!!!!