Saturday, November 10, 2012

Windows 8 and God!

Windows 8!

How exciting! I have read about it, seen the promos, looked forward to when I can download it onto my computer. I have talked about it to others, believe it to be good and helpful and an advancement over Windows 7. 

BUT, until I use it, learn its secrets, work with it and experience all it can offer – I do not know it. I can talk about its attributes, I can imagine all that I think it can do, BUT, all this means nothing until I take time to read, learn and use it.

Are we that way with our relationship with our God? Do we merely scratch the surface of our Christianity? Do we skip reading His Message to us and depend on what others tell us? Do we live our lives only on hearsay and not studying for ourselves?

What if our relationships with our friends were based on just input from others? How deep would our love be for those special to us, our spouse, if we only made contact occasionally and through other people instead of spending precious time digging deep into their hearts, learning their characters, appreciating the specialness of who they are, loving their smile and relaxing in their embrace?

Join me in getting our Bibles from off the table! Dust it off – let’s ask the Holy Spirit to awaken our souls to the riches of God in His incredible Love Letter to us and let’s dive deep into a wondrous world of grace, mercy, truth and love!


Commitment to this JOURNEY is life changing.
 You will never be the same!

Friday, November 9, 2012

a new set of rules!

As a patient in the hospital, you live according to a new set of rules. 

Time is marked by visits from family and friends, medication administration, IV machines beeping and humming, Doctor’s visits and vital signs.

 Yet in this mechanized world there is a heartbeat of Heaven. I heard it during my stay. I felt God’s care and love through each staff member, loving friend and my precious family as they spoke to me, touched me gently, informed me of tests and procedures, comforted me and listened.

Another nugget of truth during this time:

During our difficult times,
Our unpleasant experiences,
He stands beside us
He is in

A touch during pain
A hand to hold during a scary procedure
A kind word
A helping hand
A giving spirit
A phone call with encouraging words
A smile
An ear and time to listen

All through the Bible we read of God using others to fulfill His purpose and will. How wonderful it is to know that we can not only be touched by God through others but can be used of God to reach out to do His bidding and show in a real and tangible way His love and tenderness in times of need.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Anxious about the future?

Anxiety is the result of envisioning the future without ME!”

Jesus Calling – October 17th
So appropriate for today. The daily devotional goes on to say the best defense against worry is communication with Jesus. In considering events in the future – don’t allow your mind to dwell there (we become anxious), remember Christ’s promise that He will be there with You!

Luke 12:22-31 encapsulates God’s care and provision for us. His love is infinite and He will meet our needs.

We see our needs as comfort, ease, health, lack of want. We seek our security in things, in bank accounts and relationships. He gently pries our fingers off these things and places our hands in His. He redirects our focus back to Himself. He shows us in Luke to not run after clothes, food, riches, security of things, but to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto us.

His work is to “clear out the debris and clutter, making room for the Holy Spirit to take full possession of our hearts” (Jesus calling today)

Our job is to allow Him to reveal those things we cling to for our security and safety and let go. Things, people, money, investments, government cannot provide the type of Security – eternal provision, that Christ can.

HE KNOWS WHAT WE NEED. He delights in giving us the desires of our hearts. He promises us life abundant. He stands ready to bless us till our “cup runs over”


Truly it is time to take our faith in Christ seriously.

 We see the devastation brought on by Sandy and the loss of everything to many. Can we say with confidence “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord?” He is dealing gently with us – we still have our homes, our bank accounts and our loved ones. Can we release our hold on these  things and the future, putting them trustingly into our loving Father’s hands? In doing this, can we say to our Lord, “Your will, not mine”, “You lead, I will follow”, “You will meet my greatest need – a vibrant, life changing, trusting relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords – all else is your bountiful blessings to me. “


Monday, November 5, 2012

This day did not go as planned!

Written Day 6 in the hospital. OCT 23, 2012

Friday, Bruce and I were up early, getting ready for the day’s procedure – and endoscopy and colonoscopy. I had plenty of time to sit and read the Bible and read the devotional for today. “Be real in God’s Presence” so that we can be real with those around us. Our primary focus is to be communing with the Lord, worshiping Him, glorifying Him. Then we can share His Joy and His Love with others.

Bible Verses:
Exodus 33:14 –
The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest!”

Phil 4:8-9 (my eyes rested on verses 4 on down.)
To rejoice in the Lord always
Let your gentleness be evident to all
The Lord is NEAR
 Do not be anxious for anything
But in everything by prayer and petition
With thanksgiving
Present you requests to God
 And the PEACE of God
(the correct focus of our thoughts in v 8-9)

We did not know just how important these words were at the time of our reading them that morning. But the Lord used these words to comfort and give His peace and rest just a few short hours later.

All went according to plan. As usual, one minute I was wheeled into the procedure area and the next I was trying to open my eyes in recovery. Only this time something was wrong. It hurt to breath, I felt like our dog Wendy was sitting on my chest and I felt nauseous. An EKG was done and cleared our fears of heart issues and the pain subsided so I was discharged home with Bruce so sweetly caring for me.

On the way home the symptoms began slowly and by the time we got home and I climbed onto the bed the pain returned with a vengeance. Breathing became extremely difficult and pain radiated up both sides of my jaw, out my back as well as feeling like my chest would explode. Fortunately, and by God’s grace (another answer to His provision) I was still under some of the effects of the anesthesia from that morning.

On the way back to the ER “My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest”, “I will never leave your forsake you”, “I am with you always” pulsed in my head with each beat of my heart.
I wondered if I might see my Lord and King. It was not a frightening thought!

Excellent care was given in the ER and after it was again established my heart was not the issue they worked diligently to find the cause of the pain. Pneumomediastinum was the diagnosis after several CT scans and x-rays, an air leak into my chest cavity causing irritation and pleurisy to the chest wall and surrounding tissues. Apparently, a tear in scar tissue from past surgeries was the culprit. Praise God, (again His hand and touch of protection) there was not fluid just air!
You don’t want to go there!

So I sit here Tuesday morning with the NG tube removed, IV still doing its’ thing with the electrolytes and antibiotics infusing, caressing a container full of ice water (first drop of liquid on my tongue since Thursday) and hand on the phone to call in my first breakfast since last Wednesday. Clear liquids – ambrosia from Heaven!!!!

Another nugget learned from all of this! I share it joyfully with you . . .

He sees all circumstances before they occur
And His arms are always around me!
His Word is my lifeline
His promises are my anchor to His heart!