Saturday, July 21, 2012

New Beginnings and other Thoughts

"How do you get started?" Was the question hanging in the air as I looked at my friend across the table. "You just start" he replied, "You can read, think and plan, but until you start writing, nothing is done. In order to learn the art of writing you must write," So, dear ones, here I sit at the computer, about to share my heart with you as the Lord directs. Exciting and terrifying to see the blank page and the blinking cursor waiting, patiently waiting to be filled.

"Write what you know" has been the answer to prayers about subjects for this adventure. So what do I know? I am a woman, goodness knows that accounts for something, ha. I am a wife and mother of three incredible men (the mother part not the wife part!) and their sweeties, a grandmother of 6 adorable kiddlets, a nurse, a niece, a cousin, a friend and perhaps the best of all - I belong to Wendy, our precious poodle. Seriously, to be a daughter of the Living God and awaiting His return as His Bride stands above all the rest. His gentle guidance on the journey we are walking together is persistent and loving. May the words that are forming be a blessing and encouragement to you and may the Lord shine through and touch your heart as He does mine so often each day!