"Write what you know" So what do I know? I am a woman, wife, mother, grandmother, friend and our poodle’s mommy. Seriously, to be the daughter of the Living God and awaiting His return as His Bride stands above all the rest. His gentle guidance on this “journey” we are walking together is persistent and loving. May the blogs that are forming be a blessing and encouragement to you and may the Lord shine through and touch your heart as He does mine so often each day! Enjoy the photography!
Friday, August 3, 2012
You know it's going to be a great week . . .
Here we are at a great restaurant enjoying incredible food! Excused myself to "wash my hands" before eating and in I march to the restroom thinking about what a lovely time we're having. I stop suddenly, "What is that man doing in here helping with that little boy????? Strange, His mommy wouldn't bring him into the women's bathroom!" Then I glanced around and saw something on the wall that caused me to start giggling . . . I quickly turned around and bumped into a gentleman coming in. Oh boy, did he back up faster than a running rabbit! ha "Oh, excuse me!" the poor man stammered. Ok, by this time I am dying. So embarrassed but killing myself laughing. "No, you're fine!" I squeaked, "it's my fault!" Oh boy!
Monday morning was busy. I was so proud of myself. Got up early, took care of our neighbors animals, walked Wendy, started the laundry, washed the kitchen floor and headed into Coppell for my dentist's appointment. Such a nice drive, not much traffic, the morning was fresh and cool and drove right by the office to the edge of town. Hello, missed the coffee this morning! Ok, no problem lots of time, so I merrily turned around and headed back. Parked without problems and signed in, greeted the receptionist with a smile and sat down to wait for my name to be called. A few minutes later the hygienist walked down the hall, sat down beside me, put her arm around my shoulders and said, "Ummm, your appointment is not for two weeks!" A few minutes later, wiping away the tears and holding our sides we said goodbye, Marsha shaking her head and me . . . well, I wondered where mine was! (They called me two days later to make sure I remembered I had an appointment!)
Ya never know~ enjoy each day!!!
Pain and Tragedy
"Get Real", Who came up with the idea that because we are Christians pain, disappointment, hurt, tragedy ain't knocking at our door?
Have you felt your heart torn from your chest and stomped on? Have you fallen to your knees when there's no strength to stand? Have you cried "Oh God, help me!" from deep inside, far deeper that you thought possible? The tears, the gut wrentching sobs and the pain - hot, cold, breathtaking pain, tearing apart your heart?
Blindsided . . .a phone call, a doctor's visit, a knock on the door, a tearful conversation, an angry word. It happens, it has happened, it will happen. The big IT. Life is hard, love is hard, relationships are hard.
"It's not fair!" "Why me?"
No, it's not fair - it's that sin thing again so life isn't perfect!
And why not me? Isn't it in the time of brokenness that I heal and grow stronger? Doesn't the mighty wind during a storm cause the tree's roots to dig deep into the heart of the earth, so I dig deeper into the heart of God? When there is nothing, isn't that when my heart flies to God?
I have fallen to my knees. I have stared at my heart floundering on the floor. I have pounded the walls and screamed "God hold me" .
I know it will happen again.
He is always there.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Unloved, Abandoned, Alone
"Jesus Calling" got the brain working this morning. (after the first cup of coffee, of course)
To feel:
This has never been my experience. I can't relate to these three words . . . yet . . . deep down, way down in my soul there is a fear - primal, raw - of this very thing. I believe each heart carries this fear -guarded, covered, hidden - quietly touching each relationship, effecting every action and reaction.
Is this a warning of Hell?
To be separated eternally from God, who is love,
Totally alone in misery and torment of that separation,
surrounded forever by intense hate and indescribable evil?
Is this a reminder from God of what we are without Him because of sin?
The solution?
"Perfect love casts out fear!" 1 John 4:18
"We love him because He first loved us" 1 John 4:19
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it but to save it"
John 3: 16-17
Christ died for ALL, God's unfailing, eternal, unconditional love is for All. May we live the answer to this primal fear each and every day of our lives!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Who taught them that?
Read this morning in "Jesus Calling" how pleased the Lord is when we see His glory in Nature.
I remember visiting Sea World a few years ago and holding my breath as a great killer whale gracefully jumped into the air.
As Wendy and I walk in the mornings there is a little bird who has a white underside. A very persistent bird who draws attention to itself by pretending to be injured and flashing that underside to move us away from her/his nest. Who taught that bird what to do?
While in Colorado, Bruce and I were able to follow four baby robins from newly hatched to being covered with feathers. The parents dive bombed my head several times to protect these babies as I snapped pics each day, even left a juicy worm while playing tug-o-war to get it out of the ground to protect the nest. Oh, did you know robins usually lay four eggs? Momma keeps the eggs cool till the last egg is in the nest so they all hatch around the same time. Robins lay their eggs mid morning, unlike most birds who lay their eggs early in the morning . . . Why? The worms come out early in the morning and robins enjoy wormy meals! Who told them this?
Our God is great and greatly to be praised! Matthew 6 shares how even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautiful as the flowers in a field. The birds are provided with food when they need it.
And the question in verse 26 - "Are you not more valuable than the birds?"

I remember visiting Sea World a few years ago and holding my breath as a great killer whale gracefully jumped into the air.
As Wendy and I walk in the mornings there is a little bird who has a white underside. A very persistent bird who draws attention to itself by pretending to be injured and flashing that underside to move us away from her/his nest. Who taught that bird what to do?
While in Colorado, Bruce and I were able to follow four baby robins from newly hatched to being covered with feathers. The parents dive bombed my head several times to protect these babies as I snapped pics each day, even left a juicy worm while playing tug-o-war to get it out of the ground to protect the nest. Oh, did you know robins usually lay four eggs? Momma keeps the eggs cool till the last egg is in the nest so they all hatch around the same time. Robins lay their eggs mid morning, unlike most birds who lay their eggs early in the morning . . . Why? The worms come out early in the morning and robins enjoy wormy meals! Who told them this?
Our God is great and greatly to be praised! Matthew 6 shares how even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautiful as the flowers in a field. The birds are provided with food when they need it.
And the question in verse 26 - "Are you not more valuable than the birds?"

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