Friday, August 3, 2012

Pain and Tragedy

"Get Real", Who came up with the idea that because we are Christians pain, disappointment, hurt, tragedy ain't knocking at our door?

Have you felt your heart torn from your chest and stomped on? Have you fallen to your knees when there's no strength to stand? Have you cried "Oh God, help me!"  from deep inside, far deeper that you thought possible?  The tears, the gut wrentching sobs and the pain - hot, cold, breathtaking pain, tearing apart your heart?

Blindsided . . .a phone call, a doctor's visit, a knock on the door, a tearful conversation, an angry word. It happens, it has happened, it will happen. The big IT. Life is hard, love is hard, relationships are hard.

 "It's not fair!" "Why me?"

No, it's not fair - it's that sin thing again so life isn't perfect!
And why not me? Isn't it in the time of brokenness that I heal and grow stronger? Doesn't the mighty wind during a storm cause the tree's roots to dig deep into the heart of the earth, so I dig deeper into the heart of God? When there is nothing, isn't that when my heart flies to God?

I have fallen to my knees. I have stared at my heart floundering on the floor. I have pounded the walls and screamed "God hold me" .

I know it will happen again.

He is always there.


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