I remember visiting Sea World a few years ago and holding my breath as a great killer whale gracefully jumped into the air.
As Wendy and I walk in the mornings there is a little bird who has a white underside. A very persistent bird who draws attention to itself by pretending to be injured and flashing that underside to move us away from her/his nest. Who taught that bird what to do?
While in Colorado, Bruce and I were able to follow four baby robins from newly hatched to being covered with feathers. The parents dive bombed my head several times to protect these babies as I snapped pics each day, even left a juicy worm while playing tug-o-war to get it out of the ground to protect the nest. Oh, did you know robins usually lay four eggs? Momma keeps the eggs cool till the last egg is in the nest so they all hatch around the same time. Robins lay their eggs mid morning, unlike most birds who lay their eggs early in the morning . . . Why? The worms come out early in the morning and robins enjoy wormy meals! Who told them this?
Our God is great and greatly to be praised! Matthew 6 shares how even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautiful as the flowers in a field. The birds are provided with food when they need it.
And the question in verse 26 - "Are you not more valuable than the birds?"

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