Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Grief - another journey

Several weeks ago we attended a memorial service of a dear friend’s Dad.

 It was wonderful to see the love and appreciation shared for a man of integrity who provided faithfully for his family. His love language, “Acts of service”!

Now the hard journey begins for a daughter left behind as she gathers up the precious  memories and places them in a treasured spot in her heart.

No more picking up the phone to call with news. No more hearing that sweet voice again. No more quiet  moments just being in the same room – where few words were needed – the love was there in little things, a smile, a touch, a look.

The promise of reunion, very real, but for now the colors are muted and greys surround my friend’s heart. The world continues, not any different than yesterday and will be the same tomorrow, yet to my friend’s eyes all has slowed and stopped.

In time, carried by her faithful God, supported by her wonderful husband and children and her loving friends , healing will occur and  a new normal will begin. She will hear the birds singing again. She will marvel at a beautiful sunset. She will laugh again. 

In sweet memories of times past she will see her daddy as he once was – strong – independent and whole. She will remember without pain.

But for now the numbness protects her soul. Gentle reminders of the Lord’s love heals her heart. The adjustments come gradually. The pain  slowly subsides. The heartache, a tender gift of expectation of a meeting yet to be – a quiet time with no words needed.

I love you, Ann!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Grey foggy days or blue skies?

Am overwhelmed this morning with sadness.

I am in awe of the blessing to sit at my Father’s feet and share my heart with Him. 

So I begin to list off all the things that trouble me. All the disappointments of special concerns that seem to be stagnant and unmoving. How I long for these heart burdens to be changed to answers. The ache is deep. The weight is hard to bear.
My eyes glance down and see these words in my open Bible, I gasp and smile:

Be joyful always
Pray continually
Give thanks in all circumstances
- for this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus
Don’t hinder the Holy Spirit’s work in you life
Listen to prophesies with respect
Test everything with God’s Word
Avoid every kind of evil
I Thess 5: 16-22

Father, may Your joy be evident in my daily going and coming as I give You my cares. 
I give You my sadness, my fears, my disappointments, my longings. Carry them for me. You see all. You control all. Your perspective is perfect. May I rest in Your love and trust in Your heart!

The burden is lifted! He carefully carries it now!

Your Joy is filling my heart – You hold me close!

Jesus Calling today took my breath away in light of the paragraphs above!

Do we see grey, foggy days,
plodding along the rocky path
bowed low with worries, cares and sadness,
grumbling and complaining in our circumstances,
allowing fears and self centered thoughts to rob us of energy, of life itself?


Do we live in the blue skies of God’s abundant Presence,
casting our cares, worries and fears into His capable hands,
trusting in His loving heart for our every moment,
delighting in His surprises as we move through our day,
giving thanks for His goodness,
revitalized with His peace and love?