Tuesday, January 15, 2013

60! REALLY???????

Ever had one of those "OH" moments? You shake your head in disbelief and your mind goes into overdrive, scrambling through thousands of neurons, looking for that piece of information to affirm what you just realized? Had one of those "spells" this month. I am a year older than I thought I was!
This year will be my 60th birthday . . . Surprise!!!!!

Now, 30 did not bother me, probably because I was glad to be alive - I had the flu, without the benefits of Tamiflu! 40 was uneventful and I really enjoyed this time in my life. Even turning 50 seemed "fine".

The 50's are fun! Our Grandchildren bless our family with love and laughter. I so enjoy seeing our "kids" at a time in their lives where maturity and age have blended into making really special men and women that I cherish.

The 50's are a growing time. Days filled with activities that stretch and challenge. Taking care of Mom and Dad during their time on Hospice, precious and the effects - eternal. Living in Psalm 46:10 and all its meaning of "Being still and knowing I am God" - amazing! Cherishing the wonderful relationship my husband and I share with years of experience under our belts - incredible.

I suppose there is an age where we realize we are getting older. We are what we remember our grandparents were. We are now them - and that idea gives us pause.

Life is short. Life is fast. Bruce told me something not long ago "life is like a toilet paper roll, the closer you are to the end the faster it spins!" Thanks, Honey!, ha Funny, but true. The days seem to fly by.The Bible agrees:

Psalm 144 -  Man is like a breath;
His days are like a passing shadow

Psalm 39 - Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered-
how fleeting my life is. 

Psalm 103 - The life of man is like grass,
he flourishs like a flower of the field;
the wind blows over it and it is gone,

Psalm 139 - You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.

So now I have a decision to make. Do I face the 60's with fear and trepidation or excitement and anticipation of a new adventure? 

I choose to:

 hold my head high with my eyes wide open
to see all the Lord has in store,

feel the fresh breeze of a new decade
and breath deeply its sweet perfume,

hold my Savior's hand knowing
He already has mapped out each day and
promises to walk with me, holding me close.

The decade of the 60's! A new and exciting JOURNEY!



  1. I think you will love the 60`s, it was when I retired, and got well, now I am half way through the 70`s, busier that ever, and the years in which I would like to slow down some, although I think our Lord has other plans for me, which I will accept with love and gratitude.

  2. Thank you for your encouragement! Looking forward to new adventures and exciting times as well as enjoying "just being" in the moment! God richly bless you with special love gifts today!
