We are asked to take up the torch!
Veterans and active service men and women were asked to stand in church on Sunday to be honored and thanked for their part in our freedom.I proudly watched my husband stand straight and tall as an veteran of Vietnam, serving in the American Army as Captain. I thought back on the many experiences shared by Daddy and Mom. Details of courage, compassion and self-sacrifice during their time enlisted in the British army and Dad's years of imprisonment under the Japanese on Singapore.
We are asked to take up the torch!
Those of us not involved can't enter in to the horrific, the sad and frightening times our dear ones experienced. We can't fully understand what our brave young men and women are experiencing now as wars continue and they bravely stand against the enemy. We do know of the waiting, the longing to see them again and the praying for safety and courage.
We are asked to take up the torch!
Jesus asks us to stand faithful and unafraid behind Him as the Battle of the Ages thunders around us. Our armor on, our eyes focused on our Leader who has already won the war, His torch lifted high! He has finished the fight and won our eternal freedom. He has suffered untold agonies and emerged whole and strong - the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We are assured glorious victory and total defeat of the enemy because of our unfailing, completely trustworthy Heavenly Commander!
We are asked to take up the torch!

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