Monday, February 4, 2013

Distractions vs Treasure!

 Spending time with Jesus . . .

We see Jesus,
our Savior
and struggle with distractions.

 We see Jesus,
our Counselor -
 trusting His grace, love and mercy,
 we bring Him our tears, frustrations and concerns
and grow in overcoming the distractions. 
We see Jesus,
 The Christ, King of Kings and Lords of Lords . . . 
we fall on our knees at His feet in worship,
as we keep our eyes on Him and
 shut out distractions.

What is a distraction? Anything that takes and keeps our eyes off Jesus!

Do you ever wonder why there are so many distractions?

Why do so many things in life demand our attention - pleasurable or not?

What are these things keeping us from? 

Why is it so easy to embrace these distractions, to dwell on them? Who's behind the pull and tug? Why the battle?

The reason?

The treasure that is ours in saying "NO" to all the distractions and spending time at the feet of Jesus!

We touch Jesus' heart and become saturated with His love,
We become like Jesus!

We are filled with Jesus' power and His character,
We become like Jesus!

We see things from Jesus' perspective and trust Him,
We become like Jesus!
We stand firm in Jesus' love during the hard times,
We become like Jesus!

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