Monday, November 11, 2013

Before you call I will answer!

I have not been reading Jesus Calling for several days. We left Friday morning and traveled to
to stay with my "sister"-cousin and visit with my aunt and uncle from Scotland. Just talking, eating and resting!

I am about to leave home again to train in limited ultrasound. A nine day course, away from home, intense and using my brain in an oh so different way!

I woke up feeling a little worried and overwhelmed with the unknown. So I sat down with Wendy and cuddled (already missing my “wee” friend and my sweet Husband) and picked up my devotional book. I first read in the Daily Bread how the Lord's mercies are new every morning and how great is His faithfulness! The I picked up Jesus Calling.

Let me quote here:

"Do  not let any set of circumstances intimidate you.
The more challenging your day, the more of My Power I place at your disposal.
You seem to think that I empower you equally each day,
but this is not so.
Your tendency upon awakening is to assess the difficulties ahead of you,
measuring them against you average strength.
This is an exercise in unreality.
I know what each of your days will contain, and I empower you accordingly.
The degree to which I strengthen you on a given day is based mainly on two variables:
the difficulty of your circumstances,
and your willingness to depend on Me for help.
Try to view challenging days as opportunities to receive more of My Power than usual.
Look at Me for all that you need, and watch to see what I will do.


Ok, did Sarah Young know I would need that devotional today and specifically quote that verse . . .NO! BUT GOD . . .who knew this day would come BEFORE the foundations for the world was laid DID! He knew that this is what I needed to read today. How many others are blessed by this? Only in Heaven will Sarah know, our Lord knows now!

Let me encourage you today! God is real, He is working each minute to mature us, perfect us and grow us into who He already sees through the power of the cross! We stand perfect, holy and pure before Him, dressed in His righteousness,surrounded and enfolded in His love, grace and mercy! 

REMEMBER - not matter what you find on your plate today . . .GOD IS . . .

Friday, November 8, 2013

step by step

Next week I leave for 9 days for additional training. A very special training - a specific purpose.

Over the years I was blessed to "work" in my passion - Labor and Delivery, Nursery and NICU.
What joy to see precious babies enter the world, breath their first breath and experience the love
of family!

Recently, the Lord has directed my steps to the beginning of this process. Working as a nurse in a center where we welcome women through our doors with the love of Christ. Sharing with them the truth in the choices facing them in lifestyle and unplanned pregnancies. The Center's mission is to glorify Christ, show His love and grace and share His hope - no matter the choice of our clients.

Abortion is a polarizing topic to some . . .and I could write . . . oh, I could write so many things at this point. Let me just say this. Taking life is wrong, choosing life is God's will. If HE is who He says He is, no matter the circumstances His way is the right way. He will provide, He will make a way. He will love those that choose life as well as those that go against His will with the love that sent our Lord to the cross. We stand before Him without Christ - all the same - sin is sin. But God so loved   us . . .

When precious, tiny, little ones are taken from their mothers they immediately are enfolded into the loving hands of the Father. I weep for those that perform and are part of this process. May they see Christ before eternity! I weep for the mothers who will deal with this loss the rest of their lives. I weep for the fathers . . .all hurting hearts. I weep for the power of Satan over God's creation that hardens and blinds hearts.

This new training? Certification in limited ultrasound to show these precious women their little ones, hearing the baby's heartbeat, seeing the baby move . . .allowing the Holy Spirit to touch and heal, work to change minds and see love and hope.

Not all will listen, not all will choose life - God is still God and His love is still available. There is no condemnation, only His constant and consistent reaching out to forgive, pour out grace and mercy and gather all who will listen into His Kingdom .  .  . can you see the reunion?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


How appropriate Jesus Calling yesterday!

“. . . your time of being still in My Presence equips you for the day ahead of you. Only I know what will happen to you this day. I have arranged the events you will encounter as you go along your way. If you are not adequately equipped for the journey,  you will grow weary and lose heart. Relax with Me while I ready you for action.”

Well . . . now begs the question, why were we (Bruce, a teacher and me) exposed to this incident, a glimpse of the depravity of man? What was the purpose? (and how can I eradicate the image from my mind!) We chose a different way to the train . . .mistake or not, I wonder?

First reaction – SHOCK quickly followed by disbelief then extreme sadness finally tears. 

How the Lord must cry when He sees His creation whom He so loves, His image desecrated.  His beloved children so deceived by the enemy – then to think globally! Past and present collide revealing the sinful heart of man. 

I felt the impact on “my armor”. I still am asking the Lord to wash my mind clean! Thinking back over the years to having “reality” slap me in the face (at least that is what most folks would call it) I shake my head. The “reality” is a glance, a brief window of seeing the truth – the enemy reaching out to




If we are not equipped beforehand. If we are not standing in the Gospel of Peace. If we are not wearing God’s armor of protection we will crumble, grow weary and lose heart! When dressed completely in our armor – our mind is protected by the helmet of His Salvation. Our heart is covered by the breastplate of His Righteousness. The flaming arrows, bullets, bombs of Satan are extinguished by the shield of Faith. We stand strong in His Peace and raise the sword of the Spirit – His Word in triumph!

Our battle is not against flesh and blood . . . Ephesians 5:10-18


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Just got a Reminder!

October 25!

Days and events have blurred. The business of life – the responsibilities, concerns, newness of work, adjusting to a schedule that is so different! Wow, where had the time gone?

I sit this morning in quietness. You see, the Lord reminded me of something He whispered not that long ago.

“Be still and know that I am God”

A busy weekend ahead, this next month filled with scheduled surprises and commitments already and I wonder how it will all take place and I am tired thinking just anticipating the whirlwind and I am shaking my head, wondering how . . . and He taps me on my shoulder gently and points to our special place. 

“Sit awhile with Me”

He quietly says.

“Just sit and be with Me.

Let Me fill you with the sweetness of my fragrance.

Rest by the still waters and quiet pastures. 

Refresh your soul with My Spirit. 

Transform you mind with My Words. 

Heal your heart with My love. 

Unburden your mind as you give me your thoughts, your worries, your plans.”

I do this and my eyes are opened to seeing His hand in the details of the moment and I am amazed!


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sometimes life is like a discarded melon rind!

Ever feel as if your life is full of holes? Something has gouged out pieces, chunks – leaving craters, empty places – the losses, the grief – so hard to experience, so difficult to face.

I read Jesus Calling this morning and was FILLED with hope, courage and thanksgiving!

Listen to these words, say them out loud and let the God of all comfort fill all the holes, each of the empty craters and jagged tears of your heart . . . 

MY GOD answers me

MY GOD delivers me from all my fears

MY GOD fills me with His radiance

MY GOD never puts me to shame

MY GOD hears me

MY GOD saves me from all my troubles

MY GOD fills me with His strength

MY GOD welcomes me to seek His face

MY GOD is the Father of compassion

MY GOD is the God of ALL comfort

MY GOD comforts me

MY GOD spills over from my heart to show His comfort to others

MY GOD uses me to draw others to Himself!

Psalm 34:4-6, Psalm 105:4, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4


Friday, October 11, 2013

What You Are!

YOU are my salvation and my honor!
YOU will never leave me!
YOUR Presence is my shield!
YOU surround me with the light of your Presence!
YOU call me:
chosen one
a Royal priest
belonging to YOU!
YOU never change -
You are the ALMIGHTY!
YOU are my life and peace!

I read something the other day that opened my eyes . . .

“When we begin to understand His love we trust” . . .

as our understanding increases so does our trust . . .When we see Him as our BELOVED we only have eyes for Him and dance in His light!!!!!

Romans 8:6, Revelation 1;8, Psalm 62,1 John 4:16


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

60–Wow, can I do this again!!!!!

In a recent blog I bemoaned the fact that 60 was fast approaching and I hesitated to embrace it. Silly me!

September has been a “celebration month”! I did this to ease the blow of the 24th, but seriously, I am “gobsmacked”! Not only has the Lord showered me with His incredible spiritual blessings in  working at Involved for Life, but my loved ones have rained love and surprises on me till I sit with my mouth open and shaking my head in amazement digging into a bowl of raspberries, cream and honey at 11:00 in the morning! (Celebrating, ha!)

Sunday, a wonderful sermon then lunch with Andrew, John and Marsha. Sunday supper with Dan and Donna! Then . . .

My precious husband stepped out of his comfort zone to surprise me. Now this a feat in itself. I am not easily surprised! He cannot easily keep a secret! 

Monday -  a day of not knowing where I was going or what I was doing only “we are going to peel the onion of surprises today!” WHAT FUN!!!! Driving to Allen in the morning to take Jack and Peyton to preschool. Hugs and kisses – what a special but quick time! Hugs and Kisses from my big boy, Kevin, as well! then the  “onion peeled again” and Bruce, as he was driving north stated “you are going to have a SPA DAY”! Now, that is a DREAM come true!!! When he picked me up 5 hours later I was a bowl of Jell-O and oh, so soft! At home, he led me to the stairs, and looking up I saw a progression of 6 BIG bags with SOMA written on each. “One for each DECADE”, he stated! And then said “open them and enjoy but we have to leave in an hour for supper!” Tears and smiles – you can imagine!!!!! Supper was at a wonderful restaurant in Plano – The Capitol Grill. Oh, did we enjoy it all!

Tuesday, Pappy playing the traditional “Happy Birthday” music box on the phone then a surprise breakfast at work! I have to tell you, my co-workers are amazing women and I feel honored and humbled to work side by side with these precious sisters, loving hurting women and seeing souls born into the Kingdom of God! After work, we hurried home for dinner with my dear friend, Christie. Upon opening the back door I was greeted with Wendy’s welcome and a living room full of balloons and banners! (thank you, Christie!) and then on to a delicious supper!  Upon coming home the phone rang. Sweet voices – Shannon, Kevin, Kate, Campbell, Peyton and Jack singing  “Happy Birthday”! Another call – Andrew, Cory, Lily, and Finnlay wishing me a “Happy Birthday!” Another call, Dan and Donna, and messages from friends and family near and far! Facebook is filled with well wishers, and we are not done yet!!!! The family celebration is coming next month! I am excited about this new journey of the SIXTY’S!!!!! 

Pardon me for sharing so much about this birthday! It is to encourage each of you in this:  The Lord knew of my true feelings about this small thing and has done nothing but pour out His love, His blessings, His affirmation through my precious family and friends to me. He is ever ready to surround us with His love. He wants nothing more than to show His ‘DADDY-side” and bring us joy. Join me in seeing Him clapping at the gates of Heaven as our thanks and love for all His "gifts" fill His courts with praise! 

James 1:17
Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father,
who created all the lights in the heavens.
He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Don’t Wallow in the Pain!

Have you ever felt you have been abandoned, are alone, face in the dirt and hit in the gut with a pain that won’t let you catch your breath. Someone special has betrayed you and even shattered your heart into pieces by words you never thought you would hear? Or perhaps you feel there is no one at all who understands what you are going through? The walls of the room you are in has no windows and there is no door, you feel trapped with not way to get out.

We all feel like this at one time or another! Others will fail us, our loved ones will disappoint us, some more than others and some more painfully than others. If we dwell in this mire it will suck us down deep till we can't move or think. Grief takes time and healing takes time but as the healing happens we have to remind ourselves we can't wallow in the pain . . . it becomes a pity party and we need God's wisdom and guidance to see the difference between facing the pain and being comfortable in it.

Before our salvation, we were in darkness, alone, left, and then the Light came into our lives and embraced us in His circle of light, not just around us but in us. Satan wants us to cover that Light with our sorrows, our disappointments, our doubts, our pity parties. BUT CHRIST is not in that!

He says " come! You are not abandoned in ME - I will never leave you or forsake you. You are never betrayed in ME! I love you with an everlasting, unfailing love that is unconditional! You are not left alone in ME! I am with you always, I am inside you, I am surrounding you and My hand is on you! You are not divorced from ME! I am your Beloved, you are my beloved and the wedding supper is being prepared as we speak! "

Yes, your heart has been ripped apart, but Jesus is giving you a new one. A tender heart that will see pain in others and a wise mind to help them in time. He has promised to be our strength when we are weak, it only takes faith as small as a grain of mustard to move mountains! Keep your eyes on Him, not on the negative things that hit you but on the evidence of GOD's hand in your life. Crawl up in the King of Kings lap and let Him just hold you and rock you and tell you He loves you and that love will never go away but only grow stronger and brighter as the days go by. Allow His love to heal your heart and make it new. Stay in His arms, He Will Carry You. At the right time, He will gently put you down and hold tightly to your hand as you walk your journey with Him.

Get angry, not at the circumstances but at Satan who is the destroyer! Then smile, because the battle has already been won and we are under the Victor's command! Our Warrior King is greater, He is there with you now with arms open wide to embrace you with love and peace!

Walk, with your head lifted up - He is your King of Glory, He is the Lord of the battle who is before you and your rear guard. He is your JOY and your PEACE - you are His beloved - precious, holy and righteous in His sight because of Christ. Don't give Satan the joy of seeing you wallowing! Submit to God, resist the Devil and HE WILL FLEE!!

Picture him high-tailing it out of your apartment, your home, your work! Scurrying off as fast as he can to get away from the LIGHT OF THE WORLD! Is that not a sight to bring a comfort to our heart and a praise to our King!

One day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time - trust Him. Keep saying out loud, "Jesus, I trust you and I need you" He hears, His heart is tender and He RUNS TO YOU!!!!! He scoops you up in His arms and holds you tightly!

We all need to be reminded of this wonderful fact that our God is Sufficient for all life's problems and anything Satan throws at us. He is there in front of us to receive most of the blow  and only what brings us to Him He allows to slip through His fingers!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lessons learned . . .

Are the days flying by faster than normal????

September is here – the middle of September is here! 101 days till Christmas! School is in full swing, where did the summer go?

Last week is a blur. Yet God’s hand was strongly evident in the lessons He provided.

In all that we do, in all our plans, preparations, thinking . . .

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in the mind of a man, 
but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand
Lesson number one: God is in control . . .He has planned from the beginning this day . . .He will direct and establish our work! BE STILL!
Isaiah 29:16
You turn things upside down,
as if the potter were thought to be like the clay!
Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it,
“You did not make me”?
Can the pot say to the potter,
“You know nothing”?
Isaiah 64: 8
 Yet you, Lord, are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand.
Lesson number twoHe is the POTTER . . .His way is perfect. . . He knows what is best for His work, His ministry, His beloved children!  We wait on Him, His leading, His loving hand to mold us into His beautiful creation, fit for the Master’s use!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

If you can’t see His hand, trust His heart!

These words remind me of a song I heard long ago and how true they are.

We can’t see beyond the circle of light. We are so limited in the very NOW and not beyond. We are blindsided, felled by strong winds and swept away by rip tides, YET . . .

Who is our God?

He has undisputed Supreme Power (Sovereign)
He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings
He is present everywhere and at all times (Omnipresent)
He has unlimited authority (Omnipotent)
He is mighty to save
He is Holy
His love is infinite, unconditional and unfailing
His gift of grace and mercy
He is Creator of all things and holds all things together
He is my Shepherd
He cannot lie
He cannot deny His own
He is my Father, my Abba (Daddy)
He is Prince of Peace
He loves me
I am His
He knows my name and listens to my voice
He sings over me with gladness
My name is written in the palm of His hand
He is my anchor 
He is my refuge
He is my strength
He is my Rock
He is my Fortress
He is my Deliverer
and my Protection
He is my Provider
He calls me "Precious, Daughter!" 
He is unchanging, the same yesterday, today and forever
He is the beginning and the end
I we can’t see His hand . . . .Trust His Heart!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Walking in the light . . .

This morning . . .oh, brother!

Getting up early is not my thing! 

Wendy’s appointment for 7 am grooming means leaving the house at 6:30 to drive to Coppell from our home in Carrollton. And this time of year it is still dark outside . . . problem: NEW CAR!!!!!

Merrily, Wendy and I jumped into the car and off we drove to Coppell. Traffic was not too bad but still lots of activity on the road. Speaking of road! There was a little curve at an intersection and Whoa! the curb was there before I knew it . . . no, I did not hit the curb in the center of the road but it surprised me. Couldn’t help thinking how my eyes were not working.  Then dollar signs multiplied in my head as I thought of eye testing, new glasses , on and on and on!

Arriving  at the groomers, sqinting my eyes to see the turnoff, I shut the car off and reached for 
the  . . . LIGHTS!!!!  Yep, I did not have the lights on . . . the whole way! No wonder I couldn't see well. I laughed, the lights came on automatically in our other car.

This got me thinking about walking in the Light of our Lord. We can’t see well if we are outside His light  – just shadows and shapes, grey to blackness. It hurts our mind's eye and heart to squint and see what's around us. We have difficulty navigating, becoming frustrated and anxious . . .we loose our peace, the joy is gone and we struggle and we are afraid.

How wonderful it is that we just need to whisper, “Jesus, I trust You, I need You” and our world explodes with light and zooms into focus. We don’t need to squint and strain to see. The worries and fear fly away, trust is renewed, our hearts are bathed in His peace and we are secure in His Presence -  walking in His LIGHT!

Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid? 


Friday, September 6, 2013

God said PRAY!!!!

Two weeks ago I began a new journey!

Debating on whether to put my nursing license on “inactive” Bruce and I left it in God’s hands knowing a decision would have to be made by September 1. God answered in a powerful way!

Downtown Dallas is a bustling, busy and somewhat confusing place. Situated across from the new First Baptist Church building is a wonderful place called the Downtown Dallas Pregnancy Center. Their mission: to glorify God in all they do, share the Good News with hurting souls and inform burdened women of their choices prayerfully resulting in the choice for life. Multiple resources are available to those that need and want help no matter their decision.

Clearing out old files and applications is an ongoing process in any business. Debra, one of the directors, was doing just that when she came upon my application sent two years ago. God said “call”! And was I surprised to receive that call!

Needless to say, a few days have gone by and I now am working part-time at the Center. Yesterday the other newbies and I were taken on a tour to sites important to the ministry, the new center in Dallas, the "Sono on Sight" bus, and another women’s center that we work with closely. 

Across the street from this center is an abortion clinic. As the director, who was driving us on the tour, stepped in to see if we could visit the women’s center I was slammed with emotions. I wept for those precious babies that are taken from their mommies, my heart hurt for the misguided and blinded women who allowed the procedure on themselves, I was bowed down with a burden for those performing the procedures and those assisting. Oh God, what a hell they will experience if they refuse your grace, mercy and love! 

Oh, the heaviness in my soul! The feeling of oppression and evil! Two other times I have felt this horrible feeling . . . in Amsterdam in the red light district and on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. 


And we bowed before our God, bringing these precious souls to Him. Crying for them, seeking His comfort and protection, and boldly asking for His mercy to be poured out and His power to be felt!

In the comfort of our homes, in the security of our routines we forget the intense battle all around us! Jesus is coming soon . . . the battle is raging. Ephesians 6:12

Join me in praying for this outreach and any you are familiar with in your area. Souls are being born into the Kingdom every day and life is chosen over death!


Friday, August 30, 2013

Never Alone!

Some of us are blessed with a personality that just loves to stand out in the crowd and take charge. “All eyes on me!” and feeds off the energy the attention brings. Then there are some of us who love the “behind the scenes” way of life. Don’t draw the focus to me, you will see wilting and stammering, ha!

Circumstances change. Even those who seek the limelight encounter times of feeling alone and isolated, cut off from others and afraid. Problems hit, new situations arise leaving you with a gut hurt that is fed by feeling vulnerable and uncertain. You feel like you are sitting on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean, under a single palm tree and the water is lapping at your feet, slowly inching closer and closer and the sun is setting quickly!

Psalm 139. What just a few words, full of power can do to my trembling heart! 

Read each line slowly and think about what it means! Life changing!!!! We are never alone, the God of Creation, Lord of Lords and King of Kings is with us, knows us and thinks about us . . .

The Lord searches me and knows me!

The Lord knows when and where I sit (in the living room, the family room, the kitchen table, the car, the office)

The Lord knows when I walk out the door and when I return.

The Lord knows what I am thinking!

The Lord knows when I lay down to rest.

The Lord is intimately acquainted with me and what I do.

The Lord knows what I am going to say before I even say it!

The Lord Hems me in – behind, in front and on either side and Lays His hand on me and draws me close!

The Lord is already there – even before I take that first step, no matter where it might be!

The Lord is light and there is NO darkness where He is, and He is with me!!!!

The Lord was with me as two cells came together and I was created and remains with me to the end of my days here on earth!

The Lord knows what each day of my life will hold . . .His provision is complete and there before the foundations of the world were spoken into being!

The Lord thinks about me, and those thoughts are so numerous and precious they cannot be counted!

The Lord is with me when I am awake and when I sleep.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Circle of light

Reading this morning brought comfort and a challenge!

Psalm 119:105

Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.

This summer while in Colorado I noticed how dark it was at night. No street lights, no city lights and no car lights passing on the road. Just beautiful stars and the moon. It was dark. We did not go out much since the bears, the mountain lions and foxes tended to roam around in the dark. When we were driving up the mountain, the car’s headlights only lit up what was a short distance ahead  and we white knuckled it watching for deer and other critters. They appeared in front of us before we knew it! The light shone just so far ahead.

I imagine holding an old fashioned lantern . . .probably even with my shoulder and venturing into the darkness. The circle of light for my feet would only extend a short distance. I would need to be watchful and careful as I walked, step by step, in the circle the lamp created. 

The Lord promises us His Word will guide us, step by step, in the darkness as we walk in His circle of light. Our job? Stay in the Word!


Monday, August 26, 2013

Don’t let your heart be troubled. . .

The reading in Jesus Calling today is both powerful and timely!

In this passage of John 14, Jesus knows the coming events that will shake each loved disciple to their very core. There are events just around the corner that will bring them to their knees in despair and hopeless – yet, He says “Peace!”

 His peace, only His peace. Peace that is powerful enough to defeat any fear! His peace -  that immediately calmed the rough and violent storm that terrified his disciples in that small boat on the sea of Galilee. His peace that calmed the grieving disciples – huddled together, afraid, broken and hopeless after his death.

“Peace, I leave with you . . .My peace I give you! Don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid!”
Jesus’ Peace – powerful. Able to calm the raging sea, dry the tears and heal the broken, instill hope in the heart and banish despair. 

And it is promised, given, available right now to each of us! In His Presence there is Peace. At His feet no fear can live. His touch heals all. His unconditional love welcomes without condemnation. Peace, be still!

Don’t let your heart be troubled! We have a choice. 

The power of His peace is real. It’s ours. No matter the event, the circumstance – He is greater! Jesus instructs us, no, commands us – “let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid!”

We can show those around us His peace . . .let it overflow. Allow His peace to power our lives to draw others to Him!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Are You there????

Have a precious friend who is going through things I can’t comprehend. 

The pat answers come easily to my lips, even though every word is true:

God will hear
God is listening
God is working

It’s the pain.

Several times, over the years, that gut twisting, sharp heart pain that “never” seemed to go away  brought me to my knees, left me weak and curled in ball on the bedroom floor or holding tightly to my soaked pillow on the bed while screaming into it, “Are You there?”

For the onlooker it is easy to say “look up”, “just believe, just trust” and in our minds we know all this. But the pain, it draws our focus back to that dark, hurting place we want to flee. It locks us into the darkness and throws away the key. Are You there?

I loved the morphine pump by my bedside after my surgeries. The button never left my hand the first 24 hours post-op.  Each time I pushed that wonderful red button I would feel the numbness and drift off . . . a break in the cycle, a few minutes to let go and find relief.

In the pit of emotional pain – where is the red button?

I remember asking the Lord “why, Lord, is this path, my path?” His answer astounded me, “to keep you on your knees and in my arms!”

True, if, for these particular seasons in my life, would I be where I am in this spiritual journey? Would I draw close to Him as quickly as I do now if not for the “scar tissue” of my heart that keeps me bent over,closer to the ground, easier to fall on my knees before the Father?

Do we see the One holding us, no. We are wrapped in His arms tightly, our head buried deep into His chest, straining to hear His heartbeat – we can’t “see” Him because we are being held in the everlasting arms of our eternal Lover, our Bridegroom. Eventually He puts us down, holds us steady and we see His smile!

Are You there?
Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
 If I take the wings of the morning
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
 even there your hand shall lead me,
and your right hand shall hold me.
 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
and the light about me be night,”
even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day,
for darkness is as light with you. 

Yes, in the pain He is there . . .His hand IS leading me and His right hand Is holding me.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

hearing that still small voice . . .

Jesus spoke to His beloved disciples three specific times in Mark about His soon coming death. But they didn’t listen. They had other things on their minds, many other things, all revolved around self.

Mark 8:31 – Jesus explained completely the upcoming circumstances of His arrest, trial, death and resurrection. Details that were hard for the disciples to hear. Words turning their world upside down and inside out. Shock, denial, fear, definitely surprise, even anger followed the quiet words of the Savior! Totally missing the promise at the end of His speaking. Peter, ready for bear, stood up and said something like this. 

“No, Lord. You don’t mean that. Ummm . . . You can’t see the whole picture. You are here to be King! The better way is . . . I think this would be smarter if . . . Now, if you just take a minute and listen, this would be a better way of handling the situation . . .”

Jesus response? “Out of my sight, Satan, You do not have the mind of the things of God, but the things of men!”

Wow – Looking at our circumstances with our human reasoning blinds us to God’s heavenly perspective. Throws DOUBT of God’s Sovereignty  and purpose – DOUBT - Satan’s main tactic for temptation! 

Obviously, the still small voice is not heard over the loud, angry, bargaining protests. 

Am I listening or arguing when things don’t go “my” way, trouble comes, I’m blindsided . . . missing the promise in the “still small voice”?

Mark 9:31- 36, Jesus again reminds them of painful events to come, letting them know what will happen, finishing with the wonderful promise of His resurrection. Again, so wrapped up in self concerns they missed the point. Instead they focused on the fear, the what if’s and then the selfish concerns of who was the greatest . . .

Jesus, with words of love, knew their hearts and said’ “If anyone wants to be the first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Double meaning – who could compare to His humility in coming from Glory, the King of Kings to be the Son of Man???? Yet, encouraging the spirit of humility in His followers . . .they still missed that quiet voice.

Do I, wrapped up in my life issues, my problems, become deaf to His “still small voice” of guidance along the path? Consumed with “me” instead of submitting to Him, His loving directions quietly spoken to my soul.

Mark 10: 33-34, Jesus again shares His heart about what is to happen ending with the promise of His resurrection. The disciples reaction? Move from fear to: 

“Ok, So we want you to do for us whatever we ask!” 

Whoa!!!! Seriously? Our Lord just said He was going to be betrayed, beaten, spit on and killed. Then by the power of God, would rise the third day . . .and they wanted Him to grant their desires, grant their wishes . . .

They missed His reason for being there, they passed over His purpose of coming to earth, they skimmed over the details and went to – “So because you are God will you grant us whatever we ask!” Wow, never heard the whispers of love, songs of mercy, poetry of grace, or felt undercurrents of power!

Don’ I?

In ignoring that “still small voice” and  take for granted HE IS GOD . . .Don’t I do this very same thing?

Lord, let me hear that “still small voice” in the quietness, in Your Presence!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Would I?

Last week I was given a thought provoking book to read. 

My emotions have been stretched – thrilling at the Lord reaching out to the Muslim people in dreams and visions and their  breath-taking response, then tears for the persecution these dear ones face in making that decision. The book – Dreams and Visions by Tom Doyle.

Would I, if faced with pain and torment – stand alone for my Jesus?

Would I?

Would I, as Stephen, look above as stones are hurled, as each one lands and takes its toll?

Would I?

Would I, as loved ones turn away, take up a knife to kill me – grasp Christ’s hand?

Would I?

Would I, with threat of death, in love proclaim “I do!” when asked do I follow Christ?

Would I?

Would I, “Be still and know that He is God” when faced with hatred, threats and evil?

Would I?

Do I, in safety and in peace – stand alone to share my Lord?

Do I?

Do I reach out, share Christ’s touch with no threat of blade or deadly thrust?

Do I?

Do I, when life is sure, proclaim my pledge to God alone?

Do I?

Do I stand firm or run when questions fly, rejections comes?

Do I?

Follow the Leader

When we moved into our home four years ago we did not realize it was already occupied!

Our little companions actually think we are the visitors not the owners.

These small creatures go about their day oblivious to our routine and frankly, could care less about us. 

They are focused and persistent. 

They have a goal and are determined to reach it. 

Their leader has given them a task to follow and a path to walk. 

Distractions are ignored. Obstacles are overcome without hesitation. Their life is tuned into following their leader’s fragrance. They know that straying from this special path given to them by their leader will mean danger, hardship, even death.

Ants, don’t ya love ‘em!

 I've been watching these tiny black things travel along the grout line in the living room. We have called the “pest guy” multiple times. This morning I got out the flashlight and followed a couple of these little guys from our front bay window to a tiny hole in the chalking on the pantry door. A very long journey for such small insects. I watched how they greeted one another, passed on their leader’s fragrance as they moved by each other going to and fro. It is amazing how they find the scent of the leader ant that blazed the trail, in and out of the grout line, on slick tile, on the baseboard, up the wall and out the bottom of the window. 

A marvelous example to us in following our LEADER!

Psalm 23!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Squeezing pressure! No escape!

Ever felt squeezed, hemmed in, no escape, unable to turn (tribulation) . . . reminds me of the “valley of the shadow of death” in Psalm 23. Mountains so tall on either side you can’t see the tops, pitch blackness behind, only the light ahead seen dimly down the narrow path – how do I know there’s a light? because there is a shadow! And, oh, what a Light it is!!!!
In the Daily Bread this morning the scripture reading is 2 Corinthians 1: 3-7.  I am in a rush today, lots to do, things to accomplish and I thought “I’ll just read the verses quickly then move on.” Not happening! 
Look at verse 3 – Bless be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ – the Father of ALL  mercies and the God of ALL comfort
Merciesdeep feelings for us by God as He sees us in our difficulties – that little word ALL is not insignificant
ComfortOur ever present God provides to us ALL encouragement, refreshment, strength, aid, assist,  help in the time of our need

Verse 4 just made me sit back  -  when we are hit with trouble, and it will hit time and again, what is our first thought?
” I don’t like this. Why me! I want to run. I want to escape the pressure”, right?
I know these times come, lovingly allowed through our Lord’s fingers to draw us closer to Him, to work our trust muscle – praise Him for that. 

BUT, look at verse 4. It is not focused on us . . . first, we fall on our knees and trust . . .
THEN . . .“that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by God”!
Verses 5 to7 continue to amaze!The second half of our sufferings, difficulties, tribulation (squeezing pressure) is not for us or about us! It’s for the onlookers – our family, our friends, our neighbors, our co-workers, anyone who comes in contact with us! What was the reason for Christ’s sufferings? To bring us to the Father! 
What if all this “uncomfortable stuff” is a gift? A wondrous privilege, us to be used by the God of the Universe, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We suffer in order for those around us to be drawn to His beautiful light shining from us. What if our hands touch others with the love and comfort given to us by Him that nudges their heart closer to our Lord? What if our face reflects His joy through the hardship to cause others to marvel at His strength given to us so that they in turn seek Him and are provided with their own source of unlimited strength? What if our words dipped in God’s comfort and mercy point them to the very heart of God?
And what of the great cloud of witnesses surrounding our lives? Are they not encouraged? Are they not bringing down the rafters with cheers and praise to our God? Are they not standing, shouting “hallelujah” watching our Lord rise  and shaking Heaven’s foundations with His applause for us????
Puts a new perspective on “getting through” our difficult times!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wisdom vs Smarts!

What is wisdom? How do you get it?

Do we need wisdom? Absolutely. The first thought that comes to mind is what degree do you have and how many years have you attended school . . .impressive, but that is not what the Bible says! Check out James 3.

There are two kinds of wisdom - God given and demonic. Wow . . .

Demonic, earthly and unspiritual wisdom, according to James,  is self serving, full of ambition, envy and bitter jealousy resulting in confusion and everything evil.

On the other hand, wisdom given by God is pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy, full of good deeds, not biased and  without  hypocrisy  -  transparent. God's wisdom produces those who are humble, not jealous or self-centered, honest with integrity, easy to live with and a joy to be around, mindful of others and their feelings and willing to listen to others without being defensive.

Sound familiar? Galatians 5, maybe?

So apparently wisdom is noted by character not "book smarts" - the heart, not the head.

I like the statement I read in the Daily Bread - "life is dynamic - we are either growing sweeter and wiser or foolish and even sour-faced curmudgeons!''

Charles Spurgeon stated, " Wisdom is the beauty of life that can only be produced by God's workmanship in us".

And what an encouragement! Although changes to our heart when embracing God's wisdom might hurt and the process not as quick as we would like,  IT WILL HAPPEN! God cannot lie. He will fulfill His promise to give  His wisdom liberally to all those who ask!

James 1: 5
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives generously to all without finding fault,and IT WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU!!!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Son

The world watching and waiting for a child to be born. Prayers to the Father for a safe delivery of mother and baby. Anxious anticipation of a future king or queen . . .a royal birth, half commoner – half royal, a life planned within the boundaries of protocol and expectations, filled with service to others. Camera lens poised to capture the first moment of presentation. Eager, welcoming, excited people keeping an eye on that double screen to see the door open and the three-some emerge.

A prince, born to privilege, comfort and luxury. A baby, ten fingers and ten toes, a sweet nose and rosebud mouth, soft downy hair and silky skin – and oh, that precious baby smell! He rests quietly in his mother’s arms completely unaware of the burden of the crown.

Heaven and Hell watching and waiting for a Child to be born. Prayers to the Father for a safe delivery of both mother and baby. Cursing from below! Mournful dread and exalted anticipation of a future King . . . half commoner – half royal, a life planned within the boundaries of the Father’s will, filled with service to others, redeeming all! Eternity poised to capture the first moment of presentation. Heavenly crowds keeping an eye on the immense screen to see the door open and the three-some emerge. Hell's dungeon's plotting death and destruction!

A Prince, born to privilege, comfort and luxury, yet delivered in a borrowed stable, laying in a cow’s manger surrounded by sights and smells of a barn. A Baby, ten fingers and ten toes, a sweet nose and rosebud mouth, soft downy hair and silky skin – and oh, that precious baby smell!! Resting quietly in His mother’s arms completely aware of the blessing of the Crown!

IMG_2534 (2)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I love alone times.

I recharge, just to think and enjoy the quietness. I Suppose that comes from being an  “only” child. Being an only child is not a bad thing, entertainment is easy. I cherish the moments sitting with a good book and the silence is comforting. We just got back from Colorado and I spent most of my days on the deck watching the water rush by, listening to the humming birds dive after each other to reach the feeder first and  sitting under the huge pine tree breathing in the cool, clean mountain air.  Bruce was happy to relax in the cabin or occasionally sit quietly in the shade with me. A healing time.

The Lord takes pleasure in our delight! He provides colorful flowers. Peonies are my new favorite flower! Beauty and sweet perfume together with soft petals that tickle the end of your nose when you inhale their fragrance! I could sit for hours watching the Frying Pan River tumble its’ way down the mountain like a lady in petticoats showing off her lace edges  as she skips around and over the rounded rocks in the riverbed.

But then there are the hard times. Bad news that grabs my heart and squeezes. Then being alone is not so much fun.Those times I look for support, strength, a sharing of grief and fear . . .a hand to hold. I long for an understanding hug and affirmation of togetherness, a solution, a relief of the pain and worry. I thank God for His provision of my precious husband. So easy to run to and be held lovingly and safely in His arms.

How wonderful it is to KNOW my God always has a plan. No matter the circumstance, regardless of the size of the problem, His loving eyes NEVER leave me, His gentle hands are ready to HOLD me safe and secure in His unfailing love. 

Alone? Not really! But given loving space to enjoy His blessings and wide open arms waiting to hold me when the lightening flashes and the thunder rolls!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Be still . . .

Sunday, Dr. Swindol encouraged us to take five minutes each day and sit quietly, without distractions in your Presence.

Eight years ago You put Psalm 46:10 in front of me.

Wherever I went, out to a friend's home for dinner – there was a beautiful hanging on the wall with Your message, to the doctor’s office – a card hold with Your precious words at check out, in devotional time – references specifically to Your direction, even in the Christian novels so wonderfully provided from the church’s extensive library – Your instruction from the 46th Psalm stood out.

Oh, how I fought it. To be still . . .to lay down my concerns about the changes happening around me. To be still . . . and leave the bumpy path of doing, fixing, being in control.

Eight years and I am still having issues with this. 

Today, sitting in the sun with Wendy, You revealed again the reason why this verse, these words – so full of meaning, are the whispers of heaven to our earthly hearts.

“Come quietly and be.”  You whisper, “Wait for Me, I will come gently and lovingly. I will surround and transfuse you with Me. I will not push My way through distractions, but as you lay them aside you will experience Me. I will renew your mind. I will heal your heart. I will strengthen your soul because. . ." He sits with me now and holds me close,

"I am God!"


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Go On . . .

I remember a short time after becoming a Christian my precious grandfather wrote me a letter. Quite an exciting thing, “back then”, for a twelve year old. A letter all the way from Scotland! It is somewhere in a box . . .I must find it. The last page was filled with “go on, go on, go on, go on . . . “ . I truly did not fully understand it’s meaning then, but now, what wonderful and encouraging advise!

Similarly, C. S. Lewis was asked the question by a young man after writing “The Screwtape Letters” – conversations of demons as they work for Satan in attacking Children of God. 

“When you wrote the book – did Satan give you trouble – and if so
what did you do about it?”

C. S. Lewis replied to this young man’s letter soon after stating Satan was active with plenty of temptations,

“Perhaps . . .the most important thing is to
not to be discouraged however often one yields to temptation,
but always to pic yourself up again and ask forgiveness!”

Toddlers, learning to walk, are more on their bottoms than on their feet. But none that I have seen wallow in their failures, despairing and despondent – NO.   Off they go again, gaining strength, becoming more steady on their feet and soon running everywhere!

So, dear ones, let us -
keep  on going

go on

go on

go on

go on

We are forgiven! We are growing! We soon will be running into the Father’s welcoming arms!

Mom and Pop Hislop
Willy and Anne Hislop - My grandparents

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Prayer for Today and . . .

Psalm 119:33-40

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)


33 Teach me, Adonai, (Lord, Master) the way of your laws;

     keeping them will be its own reward for me.

34Give me understanding; then I will keep your Torah; (instruction)

    I will observe it with all my heart.

35 Guide me on the path of your mitzvot, (commands)

    for I take pleasure in it.

36 Bend my heart toward your instructions

    and not toward selfish gain.

37 Turn my eyes away from worthless things;

     with your ways, give me life.

38 Fulfill your promise, which you made to your servant,

    which you made to those who fear you.

39 Avert the disgrace which I dread,

    for your rulings are good.

40 See how I long for your precepts;

     in your righteousness, give me life!


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Run to Him!

“Life happens” I hear often when things go awry. 

Tragedies, illness, heartbreak, disappointments slam into our day, blindsiding us and leaving us wounded and bleeding. 

This is where we have a choice – to react or act. We can scurry around trying to fix things, right the wrong, find the solution, wring our hands in despair and become totally and completely exhausted and emotionally spent.

Or we can run!
Run to our Creator.

Run to our Sufficiency. 

Run to our Answer. 

Run to our Healer.

Ugly, painful, hurtful times will occur. Jesus, our Lover, Comforter and Protector stands by the throne of grace and mercy with arms outstretched . . .He runs to us as we run to Him! He wipes the tears from our eyes, whispers love and comforting words and fills our hearts with His peace.

Isaiah 26:3  You will keep Him in perfect peace, him that is steadfast, because he trust in you!



The Lord IS with me
He IS providing, this moment, what I need
He IS supplying safety, comfort, food, rest and beauty around me
He IS healing, strengthening, transforming my soul today
He IS leading me in the way I should go to glorify HIM

He IS my shield and protector today
He IS the answer to today’s fear – it is gone
He IS with me – in me and all around me
He IS aware of what I can’t see and already provides what is needed – because He loves me

He IS declaring me precious, loved, special – HIS!
He IS with me – past, present and future
He IS finished with my special place where I will be with Hi forever – the Lover of my soul!!!

Psalm 23

Friday, May 31, 2013

What would I do?

“I just finished training in Jepara and Pati with Sidik. It went well. Praise the Lord. We met with Dukri to prepare training in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Dukri shared that his team member, Suparno was killed by terrorists in Jepara recently. Dukri was asked to identify the body by the police. Pray for Suparno's wife and kids. The police got Suparno's lap top and the terrorists got his cell phone. This is why our ministries in Pantura on high alert! Thanks for praying our ministry.”

Dodi Sasongko – East/West Ministries

Just received this from one of our missionaries our church class supports.
Places I have never heard of. People with strange names -  brothers and sisters in my Eternal family. 


 killed . . . terrorists . . . high alert . . . body

all foreign to me yet these dear ones are intimately acquainted with them! NOW!

Pray! Indonesia and so many other countries are under the blanket of Islam. Loving Jesus, as we are free to do in this country means death to these dear ones! 

Think! What would I do  . . .

And then there is an example closer to home . . .Dan Snaddon, my precious Dad - a prisoner of war for over three years, constantly in jeopardy while sharing the Good News of Christ in the prison camp; persecution, beatings – answered prayer and God’s incredible protection!

What would I do?

In thinking of the last few sermons, living in the last days before our Savior comes to take us Home . . .


John 15:20
Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.

1 Peter 1:6-7
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. (NIV)

Dan Snaddon - May 26, 1915- May 16,2009