We live in a world filled with sickness, death, evil and trouble.
We are in this world.
We don’t think “bad” things will happen to us.
We live in a complacent fog.
We catch glimpses of the true battle clashing around us when occasionally the fog lifts and we see the results of evil.
We see godlessness, the raw wickedness of the heart and mind of man controlled by Satan.
In the shifting vapors we see the suffering that occurs daily in many parts of the world – areas where God is forsaken and evil rules blatantly and openly.
I find it appalling that “horror” shows depicting bloody killings, torture and darkness are welcomed into our theaters and homes through Internet and TV. As we sit numbly watching “entertainment” these very atrocities are taking place in far off and not so far off countries against men and women, little boys and girls, many of whom are brothers and sisters in Christ. They are beaten, imprisoned, tortured, and killed. Children witnessing unspeakable acts not reported in the States.
God, in His mercy, allows us to be safe and secure – but for how much longer? Our country has turned her back on Him and worships the god of self and materialism.
The war is in full swing around us – a spiritual battle full of hatred directed toward us and our children.
Man’s laws allow us to live, work and play in relative safety and security. BUT man’s heart is desperately wicked. Satan knows his time is short and is stepping up the attack. We are in the way – may our eyes be opened to see through the fog! We must read and know the Play Book and its’ Author! We must stay on our knees before our God!
Will we be touched by evil? YES
Our hope is Christ, the victory is already won by Christ at the cross and empty tomb, our peace and security is in Christ.Will it defeat us? NO
May the God of hope, fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13)
It is through our hope in God, our trust in Christ, our joy and peace given to us by our Father during the battle, enduring the suffering, in the midst of disappointment, tearful in grief, stunned by tragedy and picking up the pieces of shattered dreams that others see Christ.
They see and are drawn to:
the Prince of Peace
Our Emmanuel!!!!
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