Are we truly grasping this reality? Can our minds wrap around the FACT He is beside us and in us . . . always? Our wonderful God who loves us infinitely with outspread arms ready to wrap them around us, who sings over us at night while we are sleeping, who calls us precious and never takes His eyes off of us or stops listening for our voices. The God who knows our name, who provides for us, protects us, dances with us in joy and comforts us in sorrow . . .
Let’s look at this from a different perspective:
As we drive to our work, run errands, shop –
God is with us
As we brush our teeth, do the dishes, make the bed, fix the car, do the yard work –
God is with us
As we care for our children, our aging parents, our sick loved ones –
God is with us
As we walk the dog, clean the litter box, change a diaper –
God is with us
As we go give a hug, hold a hand, wipe a tear –
God is with us
As we watch TV, look at a movie, listen to music, read a book, play a game –
God is with us
As we think a thought, speak a word, reach with our hand, react to others –
God is with us
As we face our fears, bear our grief, feel overwhelmed, feel alone –
God is with us
When others fail us and we are betrayed, hurt and in pain -
God is with us
When others fail us and we are betrayed, hurt and in pain -
God is with us
When we don't know which way to turn, there's no way out -
God is with us
God is with us
Does this change:
What I look at?
God is with me
God is with me
What I listen to?
God is with me
God is with me
Where I choose to go?
God is with me
God is with me
How I react?
God is with me
God is with me
How I speak and what I say?
God is with me
God is with me
How I do my “jobs”?
God is with me
God is with me
How I rest in Him?
God is with me
God is with me
Emmanuel, where You are is holy ground,
and You are HERE!
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