How did 11 pages of stuff accumulate so quickly?
Why did I leave these e-mails sitting here taking up space, serving no purpose except to make it so hard to find those special ones I want to read and remember.
Ephesians 2: 1-10 compares and contrasts a life before Christ and a life in Christ.
Verse 2 is particularly intriguing; “You HE made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world."
There is a continual tug of war occurring around us - subtle, deceptive and relentless. Our standards and beliefs are constantly bombarded with compromise and erosion. We are told what is good and bad. We are instructed as to what to wear, eat, listen to, watch, read, and even think. We are inundated with ideas and changing values, Satan inspired philosophies and constantly evolving morality.
Reminds me of waves that I used to watch rolling in on the beaches of Florida. In some areas the rolling waters quietly removed layers of sand while in others , the swells deposited blankets of sand to reform the entire beach.
If we are not watchful, if we are not diligent, our thinking will, as in verse 2, follow the "course of this world'. Layers of opinions and eroding ideas will bury God's principles and twist His truth in our minds.
Our faith, our values based on His Word are given in order to protect us as we walk through the waves of ungodly bias crashing in on us and shield our minds from the disintegration of our culture’s philosophies.
Delete the junk and trash and clean out our mind’s Inbox by holding to the truth (1 Thes 3:21-22)
Daily reading, studying, memorizing and meditating on God's Word (Romans 12:2)
Diligently, excitedly and purposefully seek to know Him (Exodus 33:12b-13)
Depend on the Holy Spirit to teach us and Christ to fight for us! (1 Corinthians 2:10-11, 1 Samuel 17:47)
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