This phrase still rings in my head . . . “But they thought they knew better”
Adam and Eve listened to Satan and decided they knew more about what they should do than God. No magical fruit – a trust and obey issue. It was their thinking, their desires, their attitude, their thinking they knew better, their disobedience that caused sin to become a part of the human race.
Satan, in his fall from grace “thought he knew better”!
Imagine, he was created as:
A model of perfection
full of wisdom and perfect in beauty,
was in the Garden of Eden with God,
every precious stone set in gold, adorned him,
He was anointed and ordained as a guardian,
was blameless in all his ways till . . .
His heart became proud and knew he was beautiful,
He was filled with violence and sinned
He said, “I will ascent to heaven,
I will raise my throne above the stars of God
I will sit on my throne on the sacred mount of the assembly
and you know the rest!
In contrast –Christ, the Son of the Most High – HE KNOWS BEST and yet:
Being in the very NATURE of God
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped
but made Himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant, became a human
and became obedient to death - even the cross
God has highly exalted Him to the highest place on the sacred mount!
and gave Him a name above every name, that at the name of JESUS every knee will bow
in Heaven and on Earth and in Hell
and every tongue WILL confess that Jesus Christ is LORD
to the glory of God the Father! – Philippians 2:5-11
In the process of learning who our God is, we see how ludicrous the thought –
“But I think I know better!”
And even more precious is the fact – when we sin and blow it, He holds out His loving arms full of forgiveness, grace and mercy, to pull us close and grow us to be more like HIM!
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