Tuesday, October 2, 2012

When dreams are in pieces!

Troubling news, information I do not want, yet in my heart I know it's reality.

 "Lord? I don't want to feel this pain! I don't want to walk this road!
It hurts, Lord. The dreams I cherished are in pieces. 
 I grieve for them.
 I fear the unknown of tomorrow.
I am angry. Others seem to move through life
with ease.
Their dreams blossoming and bright."
"Lord? I see no  path, only  a wall.
I need Your light, I need Your hand."
"Lord? Is it for my growth the pieces lie on the floor?
A gentle nudge to ask for Your dream?
A loving whisper to hold fast to Your hand?
A tender touch to stand strong in who You are?"
You love me with an infinite love.
Your hands tenderly mold my heart into Your likeness.
Your ways are not my ways.
You hold me in the palm of Your hand and
my name is written there.
Your hear my prayers
and know my voice.
You love my dear ones more than I.
You created them.
You are moving and working,
creating dreams for them.
You are God!"

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