Now to some this might be an easy decision, a simple question. But to me at this time, on this day, it is one of paramount importance! I like them both - really, really like them both! Do I go with the creamy sensation on my tongue from the cream of wheat or the grainy feeling of grits? I can't decide!
You see, since Friday I have not eaten or had anything at all by mouth. After a procedure at an outpatient surgery center I found myself on the way to the ER not knowing the cause of the extreme pain in my chest. The diagnosis was made in the ER (not a heart attack) and 6 days later here I sit.
Good news, I am going home today. Antibiotics are not swinging happily from the IV poles, heart monitor is disconnected and a lovely tube (I called Fred, my friend) no longer lives in my nose.
Lessons learned from this experience would make this blog very long indeed. So I, with your permission, will write several to share with you just how incredibly awesome our God has been through this unexpected and not so pleasant experience. Let me share one precious nugget!
The reason for the pain
the waiting for tests to be run
the unknown
when can I go home
when can I eat, drink
the concerns of the heart that are long standing
the tests have been run
the diagnosis is made
the unknown is now the known
today is going home day
I am enjoying broth, ice water and cream of wheat!
the concerns of the heart will be addressed
I have been home for several days now, spoiled by husband, family and friends and healing under the care of the Great Physician! (Oh, I have branched out my food selection to oatmeal and good, old scotch broth, yum!)
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