Home to a wee cuppa and then mince and tatties for supper, oh boy! The air is fresh and I am cold . . . wow!!!!!
Auntie and I talked and talked and talked till midnight last night. What a wise woman, Auntie is and how God used her to give insight and encouragement, not only to here family but a very active and thriving ministry here . . . and at 80!
We looked at lots of pics yesterday, old family photos and pics of her time in Pakistan. It is going to be exciting to get the stories behind these moments in time to share with you all back home. We have such an incredible history, full of God's hand directly touching and moving for His glory and honor.
Auntie left her car lights on yesterday and is getting the battery recharge as we speak. We are making plans for the time together . . . perhaps the Edinburgh Military Tatoo, look it up on the internet! I remember going when I was around 12 with mom and dad. To see the spotlit lone piper atop the tallest turret of the Edinburgh castle and hear the restrains of "Amazing Grace" in the hushed silence of a stadium filled with spectators . . .I still get goosebumps!
More later . . .love you all!!!!!!
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