Friday, September 6, 2013

God said PRAY!!!!

Two weeks ago I began a new journey!

Debating on whether to put my nursing license on “inactive” Bruce and I left it in God’s hands knowing a decision would have to be made by September 1. God answered in a powerful way!

Downtown Dallas is a bustling, busy and somewhat confusing place. Situated across from the new First Baptist Church building is a wonderful place called the Downtown Dallas Pregnancy Center. Their mission: to glorify God in all they do, share the Good News with hurting souls and inform burdened women of their choices prayerfully resulting in the choice for life. Multiple resources are available to those that need and want help no matter their decision.

Clearing out old files and applications is an ongoing process in any business. Debra, one of the directors, was doing just that when she came upon my application sent two years ago. God said “call”! And was I surprised to receive that call!

Needless to say, a few days have gone by and I now am working part-time at the Center. Yesterday the other newbies and I were taken on a tour to sites important to the ministry, the new center in Dallas, the "Sono on Sight" bus, and another women’s center that we work with closely. 

Across the street from this center is an abortion clinic. As the director, who was driving us on the tour, stepped in to see if we could visit the women’s center I was slammed with emotions. I wept for those precious babies that are taken from their mommies, my heart hurt for the misguided and blinded women who allowed the procedure on themselves, I was bowed down with a burden for those performing the procedures and those assisting. Oh God, what a hell they will experience if they refuse your grace, mercy and love! 

Oh, the heaviness in my soul! The feeling of oppression and evil! Two other times I have felt this horrible feeling . . . in Amsterdam in the red light district and on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. 


And we bowed before our God, bringing these precious souls to Him. Crying for them, seeking His comfort and protection, and boldly asking for His mercy to be poured out and His power to be felt!

In the comfort of our homes, in the security of our routines we forget the intense battle all around us! Jesus is coming soon . . . the battle is raging. Ephesians 6:12

Join me in praying for this outreach and any you are familiar with in your area. Souls are being born into the Kingdom every day and life is chosen over death!