Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I love alone times.

I recharge, just to think and enjoy the quietness. I Suppose that comes from being an  “only” child. Being an only child is not a bad thing, entertainment is easy. I cherish the moments sitting with a good book and the silence is comforting. We just got back from Colorado and I spent most of my days on the deck watching the water rush by, listening to the humming birds dive after each other to reach the feeder first and  sitting under the huge pine tree breathing in the cool, clean mountain air.  Bruce was happy to relax in the cabin or occasionally sit quietly in the shade with me. A healing time.

The Lord takes pleasure in our delight! He provides colorful flowers. Peonies are my new favorite flower! Beauty and sweet perfume together with soft petals that tickle the end of your nose when you inhale their fragrance! I could sit for hours watching the Frying Pan River tumble its’ way down the mountain like a lady in petticoats showing off her lace edges  as she skips around and over the rounded rocks in the riverbed.

But then there are the hard times. Bad news that grabs my heart and squeezes. Then being alone is not so much fun.Those times I look for support, strength, a sharing of grief and fear . . .a hand to hold. I long for an understanding hug and affirmation of togetherness, a solution, a relief of the pain and worry. I thank God for His provision of my precious husband. So easy to run to and be held lovingly and safely in His arms.

How wonderful it is to KNOW my God always has a plan. No matter the circumstance, regardless of the size of the problem, His loving eyes NEVER leave me, His gentle hands are ready to HOLD me safe and secure in His unfailing love. 

Alone? Not really! But given loving space to enjoy His blessings and wide open arms waiting to hold me when the lightening flashes and the thunder rolls!