Friday, August 30, 2013

Never Alone!

Some of us are blessed with a personality that just loves to stand out in the crowd and take charge. “All eyes on me!” and feeds off the energy the attention brings. Then there are some of us who love the “behind the scenes” way of life. Don’t draw the focus to me, you will see wilting and stammering, ha!

Circumstances change. Even those who seek the limelight encounter times of feeling alone and isolated, cut off from others and afraid. Problems hit, new situations arise leaving you with a gut hurt that is fed by feeling vulnerable and uncertain. You feel like you are sitting on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean, under a single palm tree and the water is lapping at your feet, slowly inching closer and closer and the sun is setting quickly!

Psalm 139. What just a few words, full of power can do to my trembling heart! 

Read each line slowly and think about what it means! Life changing!!!! We are never alone, the God of Creation, Lord of Lords and King of Kings is with us, knows us and thinks about us . . .

The Lord searches me and knows me!

The Lord knows when and where I sit (in the living room, the family room, the kitchen table, the car, the office)

The Lord knows when I walk out the door and when I return.

The Lord knows what I am thinking!

The Lord knows when I lay down to rest.

The Lord is intimately acquainted with me and what I do.

The Lord knows what I am going to say before I even say it!

The Lord Hems me in – behind, in front and on either side and Lays His hand on me and draws me close!

The Lord is already there – even before I take that first step, no matter where it might be!

The Lord is light and there is NO darkness where He is, and He is with me!!!!

The Lord was with me as two cells came together and I was created and remains with me to the end of my days here on earth!

The Lord knows what each day of my life will hold . . .His provision is complete and there before the foundations of the world were spoken into being!

The Lord thinks about me, and those thoughts are so numerous and precious they cannot be counted!

The Lord is with me when I am awake and when I sleep.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Circle of light

Reading this morning brought comfort and a challenge!

Psalm 119:105

Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.

This summer while in Colorado I noticed how dark it was at night. No street lights, no city lights and no car lights passing on the road. Just beautiful stars and the moon. It was dark. We did not go out much since the bears, the mountain lions and foxes tended to roam around in the dark. When we were driving up the mountain, the car’s headlights only lit up what was a short distance ahead  and we white knuckled it watching for deer and other critters. They appeared in front of us before we knew it! The light shone just so far ahead.

I imagine holding an old fashioned lantern . . .probably even with my shoulder and venturing into the darkness. The circle of light for my feet would only extend a short distance. I would need to be watchful and careful as I walked, step by step, in the circle the lamp created. 

The Lord promises us His Word will guide us, step by step, in the darkness as we walk in His circle of light. Our job? Stay in the Word!


Monday, August 26, 2013

Don’t let your heart be troubled. . .

The reading in Jesus Calling today is both powerful and timely!

In this passage of John 14, Jesus knows the coming events that will shake each loved disciple to their very core. There are events just around the corner that will bring them to their knees in despair and hopeless – yet, He says “Peace!”

 His peace, only His peace. Peace that is powerful enough to defeat any fear! His peace -  that immediately calmed the rough and violent storm that terrified his disciples in that small boat on the sea of Galilee. His peace that calmed the grieving disciples – huddled together, afraid, broken and hopeless after his death.

“Peace, I leave with you . . .My peace I give you! Don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid!”
Jesus’ Peace – powerful. Able to calm the raging sea, dry the tears and heal the broken, instill hope in the heart and banish despair. 

And it is promised, given, available right now to each of us! In His Presence there is Peace. At His feet no fear can live. His touch heals all. His unconditional love welcomes without condemnation. Peace, be still!

Don’t let your heart be troubled! We have a choice. 

The power of His peace is real. It’s ours. No matter the event, the circumstance – He is greater! Jesus instructs us, no, commands us – “let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid!”

We can show those around us His peace . . .let it overflow. Allow His peace to power our lives to draw others to Him!