Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Be still . . .

Sunday, Dr. Swindol encouraged us to take five minutes each day and sit quietly, without distractions in your Presence.

Eight years ago You put Psalm 46:10 in front of me.

Wherever I went, out to a friend's home for dinner – there was a beautiful hanging on the wall with Your message, to the doctor’s office – a card hold with Your precious words at check out, in devotional time – references specifically to Your direction, even in the Christian novels so wonderfully provided from the church’s extensive library – Your instruction from the 46th Psalm stood out.

Oh, how I fought it. To be still . . .to lay down my concerns about the changes happening around me. To be still . . . and leave the bumpy path of doing, fixing, being in control.

Eight years and I am still having issues with this. 

Today, sitting in the sun with Wendy, You revealed again the reason why this verse, these words – so full of meaning, are the whispers of heaven to our earthly hearts.

“Come quietly and be.”  You whisper, “Wait for Me, I will come gently and lovingly. I will surround and transfuse you with Me. I will not push My way through distractions, but as you lay them aside you will experience Me. I will renew your mind. I will heal your heart. I will strengthen your soul because. . ." He sits with me now and holds me close,

"I am God!"
